Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion 1 _Abnormal Psychology

Discussion 1 _Abnormal Psychology

Q 1. What do you think of Comer's (textbook) the definition of “abnormal” behavior and mental disorders? Do you find the current definition problematic? Why or Why Not?2. If you were researching “abnormal” behavior, what research method might you find most useful and why (e.g. case study, correlation, experiment)? What challenges might you encounter while conducting your research?1. Did you find the website useful in clarifying symptoms or did it serve to confuse? Why? 2. What did you find to be of most interest and why?

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According to the textbook Abnormal Psychology by Ronald J. Coner, Abnormal behaviour is characterised by actions of deviance, distress, dysfunction and danger. Abnormal Psychology is the scientific way that tries to study these behaviours with the aim to understand and explain and resolve the occurrence of such behaviours. When a person behaves in a way which is not in accordance with the “norms” and “culture” of the society, that is termed as being abnormal.